This site contains the views and opinions of American Muslims living in Michigan on a wide range of issues affecting our lives. Its authors are just a sampling of the diverse American Muslim community here, comprising many races, ethnicities and sects. Although we do not speak for any particular group, we are members of the large moderate majority of Muslims who call America their home and feel a responsibility to see that it prospers.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Friedman is intentionally malicious: Muslims DO condemn the violence

In his syndicated column carried by the local Detroit Free Press/News, Thomas Friedman recently writes in Silence That Kills: "Nobody in the Arab world ‘’has the guts to say that what is happening in Iraq is wrong — that killing schoolkids is wrong,’’ said Mamoun Fandy, director of the Middle East program at the International Institute for Strategic Studies."

Huh? Muslims across the world have been condemning and trying to say this but nobody listens. There have been fatwas against terrororism, frequent condemnantions of this seneless violence by all mainstream Muslim scholars, leaders, cooks, moms, institutions, organizations, vidoe game players, boy scouts and football fans. See

Why quote Mamoun Fandy on this? Why not actually ask the leader of a mainstream Muslim organziation in America. For the record, all Muslim leaders of mainstream American Muslim organzations such as CAIR, ISNA, ICNA. MPAC have condemned violence towards civilians and the sectarian violence rampant today. Even overseas, major conferences and summits have been held, including a recent joint statement between Rafsanjani and Qaradawi, both perhaps the most revered leading Shiite and Sunni scholars alive today. Why is this ignored? Is Friedman just stupid (after all, he claims to be an expert on the Middle East) or intentionally malicious?

Friedman and his ilk have constructed a fantasy universe where the only solution is teaching moral lessons to the savage Arabs and Muslims. Please, Friedman, save us, let us be more like you and use F-16s, cluster bombs, fabricated evidence, torture, secret detention camps, military tribunals and lots and lots of pundits to make the world a better place.


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