This site contains the views and opinions of American Muslims living in Michigan on a wide range of issues affecting our lives. Its authors are just a sampling of the diverse American Muslim community here, comprising many races, ethnicities and sects. Although we do not speak for any particular group, we are members of the large moderate majority of Muslims who call America their home and feel a responsibility to see that it prospers.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Anti-profiling laws protect against discrimination

Racist attitude

Rep. Kim Meltzer's proposed Sanctuary Policy Prohibition Act is less about a concern for stemming illegal immigration than a thinly veiled racist attitude toward all immigrants in general. Meltzer wants to penalize municipalities that have passed anti-profiling laws that prohibit police and other city employees from targeting people based on race, ethnicity, physical appearance, religious dress or immigration status.

Rather than applaud the cities that seek to end racial discrimination, she wants to punish them. The anti-profiling laws are against racial profiling and about treating everyone with the same amount of respect. They do not threaten our national security, nor do they support illegal immigration.

Let us not be deceived about the purpose of this proposed legislation; it is about racial discrimination, pure and simple.

Ruqaya Ali


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